7years exp developer want to apply as junior in office

First of all - my cv is here abdullaachilov dot com

I freelance for way too long. Id love apply in office as a junior, I don’t care about salary for first half year. I want to learn enterprise way of work. I learn lots of staff throw this years, but I want to make it structured and organized. From my side - I can work faster and better than junior (at least I believe so), and all I need to larn - is just being in strong team with already perfected routine - I will adapt. My only condition is - I had to be interviewed by senior ror developer, so I will be sure, that Im going to strong team)

Ja mowie po polsku trohe, bardzo trudne pisac, ale moge mowic. Jesli panstwo mowie tolko po polsku - to dobra, bo chce ulepszyс to tej. Mam firmu, moge robic B2B.

prosze skontaktowac sie po maily im@abdullaachilov.com lub telefonem +48 576 677 480.
Mieszkam w Warszawie

I wonder why you want to apply for a junior position with such experience. There are several boards with job offers. Maybe you’ll find something for yourself.

Hey! Im feeling insecure about my skills honestly, I recently made a test task for a company - simple API calls:

but they said that Im not ready. And I haven’t found a way to determine - which level I really am. So I thought I can apply as jun for 6 months. Working with real seniors in team for 6 months will be enough for me.

Thanks for the links, I will look for it there as well =)