[Booming Games: Berlin, Poznań] Intern/junior Backend Developer (850 euro / 3,5k pln)

Boomig Games is a leading software provider for the gaming and
entertainment industries. We conceive, design, and build engaging games in a
variety of styles for different markets. All of our content is developed by our
international in house team at one of our several studios.
Currently, we are looking for young, ambitious and talented backend
programmers to join our studios in Hanover, Germany and Poznan, Poland.

We are an international company with studios from Poznan to Berlin, from
Belgrade to Hanover, and offices from London to Athens. In our brief history
we have grown significantly from what was once an ambitious group of startup
idealists, to today’s well-oiled machine of over 50 staff. Our company is far
from being static, and the potential growth as a whole company as well as for
the individual within the company is unlimited.
Booming Games is more than a place to work, but an environment to learn, to
teach, to grow and develop, and to discover new heights of personal and
professional potential.


Basic ruby / rails / testing knowledge
Fluency in at least one programming language
Great English communication skills

Knowledge of Ruby (on Rails)
Knowledge of Elixir
Experience with test-driven development (TDD)

Friendly and communicative
You are proactive and take initiative
You measure your work by quality and not by the clock

nice office in Poznań or Berlin with the usual perks
experienced senior developers that will happily teach you how to produce high-quality code
around 850 euro gross salary depending on current experience, knowledge. Will go up as you progress.

For applications please contact: job@booming-games.com

I znów mniej oficjalnie: szukamy ludzi którzy chcą dobrze się wdrożyć w programowanie i przy okazji zarobić eurasków. Pensja rośnie szybko, razem z doświadczeniem które zdobywasz - parę miesięcy temu przyjeliśmy dwójkę juniorów którzy teraz już są samodzielnymi programistami zasuwającymi aż “szczena opada”. Chcemy zrobić tą “przykrość” kolejnym osobom :slight_smile:

Aktualnie mamy dużo rubiego, trochę elixira i trochę GO. Doceolowo chcemy mieć dużo Elixira, mało rubiego i wcale GO :slight_smile: Na frontach redux i react. Polecam :slight_smile:

PS. CV tylko w angielskim.

@radarek możesz przypiąć?