[KRAKÓW][FIRMA:TECHFORCE] Poszukiwany Senior Ruby on Rails - B2B- 4000 PLN NET SIGN-UP BONUS

Witam wszystkich specjalistów/ specjalistki RUBY ON RAILS,

To znowu ja :slight_smile: Anna Maria Pociask z Techforce.

Rekrutacja na stanowisko senior ruby on rails została wznowiona.

Projekt EVENT ARMY w dalszym ciągu jest do wzięcia !

Firma TECHFORCE z siedzibą w Krakowie przy ulicy Krupniczej 3 zatrudni specjalistę/specjalistkę RUBY ON RAILS.

Firma Techforce – gettechforce.com (strona w przebudowie)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gettechforce813

Zatrudniamy programistów/programistki Ruby on Rails / PHP/ Python/ .NET/ JS/ Java/ J2EE / Unity3D/ Android/ iOS/ FLASH/ UNITY3D.

Prowadzimy usługi bardziej w stylu ‘body leasing’ niz typowy outsourcing.

Programiści/Programistki w Techforce są dedykowanymi pracownikami naszych klientów z USA, Australii, Irlandii, Wielkiej Brytanii, Szwajcarii , Szwecji.

Pracują nad danym klientem od A do Z. Minimalny czas trwania takiego jednego projektu to 6-12 miesięcy. Później proponowane są nowe projekty i nowi klienci.

Po naszej stronie nie ma Project Managera, jest on po stronie klienta, z którym dany programista jest w ciągłym kontakcie przez komunikator Skype/e-mail/ go-to-meeting.

Programista/Programistka pracuje z naszego biura które zajmuje całe ostatnie piętro Kamienicy przy ulicy Krupniczej 3

Praca w godzinach od 8 do 16, 9 do 17 lub 10 do 18 .
Płatne nadgodziny w tyg : 150% * regular hour a w weekend (oczywiście po uprzedniej zgodzie programisty 200%*regular hour)

Mimo iż jesteśmy Irlandzką firmą webdeveloperską w naszym biurze obowiązują Polskie święta.

Forma zatrudnienia którą preferujemy to : umowa o pracę. Pierwsza na okres próbny 3 miesięcy i kolejna na czas określony 2 lata.

Dodatkowo pokrywamy koszta pakietów social i medical.

Social : soczki, napoje, kawa, herbata, jogurty, smoothie, piwo po pracy. orzechy, owoce, warzywa, musli, masło orzechowe, nutella. Pizza fridays. Sushi Fridays . Pasta Fridays. Pierogie Fridays, Burger Fridays.

W biurze dla Naszych programistów dostępny jest : Bilard, Xbox, Kinect, Guitar Hero, Mini Golf, Darty, Bar Kanapkowi (in progress ) Beer Fridge (in progress) Taras Barbecue Zone (in progress)

Poszukujemy specjalisty/specjalistki Ruby/Rails z 1,5 rocznym doświadczeniem w Ruby on Rails który/która z chęcią wskoczy na nasz pokład :

Do przejęcia ciekawe projekt Naszego dobrego klienta z Irlandii : Event Army

• dobrej znajomości Ruby on Rails,
• dobrej znajomości jQuery,
• dobrej znajomości SQL,
• znajomości GIT lub innego systemu kontroli wersji,
• znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie komunikatywnym,
(czytanie dokumentacji, komunikacja pisemna B2, komunikacja ustna B1)
• samodzielności w działaniu,
• otwartości na nowe technologie,
• chęci samorozwoju,
• odpowiedzialności za wykonywane zadania,
Mile widziane:
• umiejętność programowania na platformy mobilne (iPhone, Android),
• doświadczenie w integracji serwisów z Facebook/Twitter/oAuth itd.
• znajomość SCRUM, XP, TDD/BDD,HAML, SASS, CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, MongoDB, Cassandra

umowa b2b od 8000 - 9000 PLN NET na kontrakt / fakturę / full - time
na początek kariery – umowa na okres próbny / 3-6 miesięcy – przedłużana później na 2 lata.
• Stabilne zatrudnienie i pracę w młodym, prężnym zespole,
• Rozwój umiejętności,
• Pracę w międzynarodowym środowisku,
• Premie i nagrody ( kwartalne bonusy)
• Kawa w pracy, Xbox w przerwie, zimne napoje, napoje energetyczne, co piątek – Pizza lub sushi Friday, PubCrawls, Wyjazdy Firmowe i Imprezy Plenerowe,
• dodatkowe pakiety socjalne (opieka zdrowotna)

Jeżeli jesteś zainsteresowany/a praca w prężnym zespole z Irlandzką dawką kultury to zapraszam. Prześlij mi swoje CV w wersji angielskiej na : amp@gettechforce.om

Test - Rekrutacja
Rekrutacja składa się z trzech etapów:

  1. Test Codility - RUBY - 30-40 min / online

  2. Krótka rozmowa w języku angielskim (hobby, zainteresowania, plany, projekty, poprzednia praca) + IT interview z naszym Senior Ruby Developerem (całość około 50 min)

  3. Skype call z klientem / w języku angielskim/ poznanie projektu

Projekt/ Klient : EVENT ARMY według założyciela Gavina Fogarty

The event industry is massively underserved in terms of technology. Not very many people with real knowledge of the vertical are technical, so the only startups in the space are outsiders claiming to understand the issues. I have been an event producer for the last ten years, and my background is in Venture Management and Computer Science, so I’m using this mix of knowledge to help solve the two biggest problems for agencies in this space.

The first problem is the massive amount of time and money spent by agencies checking staff availability, and scheduling their workforce. Events are temporary in nature, so they are literally built on free lance / part time / on call labour. Currently all agencies, irrelevant of size, are using phone calls, texts and emails to contact staff. To give a quick example, a large catering agency may need 15 bar staff for an event this Friday in a Dublin Hotel. Normally they would call about 30 staff, explain the hours and rates 30 times, and then ask availability 30 times, to fulfil that quota of 15 people. An on-demand service would allow them to describe the detail once, push it to their entire database of maybe 100 staff, and to award the work to the first 15 people that accept. With this specific example, we would convert a full 6 hour workload for 1 person, into under 10 minutes for that same person, from description to fulfilment.

The second problem is around recruitment. Take our example agency above: They may currently have 100 staff members on call, who have been vetted and are of quality. Finding similar people is proving massively difficult. The traditional approach is to post an add describing the ideal candidate, and then receive lots and lots of emails and resumes. They then need to check all of the resumes to make sure basic requirements are fulfilled, then they shortlist and interviewed. Not only is this time consuming, it is actually producing a very low yield, at very low quality. Cold recruitment is taking a risk on a stranger, and hoping that what they have put on their resume is correct. We want to flip this on its head, taking the workload away from the agency, and putting it in the hands of the people. We want to build a simple rewards based referral tool. Agencies should be able to look at their current database, select the ideal candidate they would essentially like to replicate, and from that person produce the ideal description of the new team member they would like to find. They then decide how much of a cash reward they would like to pay for a quality referral and push this in one go to their entire database. The message will be clear and simple: " This is the type of person we want to find, and we are willing to pay X amount to the first person to introduce us" . The bottom line here is that agencies already know that referral based recruitment is far superior to cold recruitment, but they have no formal method of doing it, and it’s taking more time than it should. We want to give them a simple tool, to empower their current workforce and let them build their army exponentially with ease.

Our aim is to find the common requirements across the main agencies in this country, and to build a prototype that is modular in nature, so that any agency can sign up and suddenly have the power of on-demand at their fingertips. I want to make agencies stronger, so that they can concentrate on what they do best, not scheduling. If they have the chance to grow quickly, I want to give them the ability to do it with great quality. And the two tools above allow for that.

Taking a step back, and describing our long term goals ( and I think this is important to discuss from the outset, as the development will need to allow for this in the future) : Our potential does not lie in the ability to solve one agency’s problems. It lies in our ability to envisage what are the big problems shared by every agency, and build something that can easily, quickly and cost effectively be adopted by the masses. From there, our plan is to begin to connect these networks, which is where we are very different to the likes of Mowares. http://mowares.com1

Free Lance staff work for many many agencies, not just one. They need one place to be able to “Follow” many companies, and receive on demand offers from lots of potential employers, not just one. Take an example of a Dublin Sound Engineer. They normally do contract work for about 4 large AV companies. The ideal situation would see this Sound Engineer following 6 - 10 AV companies on Event Army, receiving more job offers than he ever had before, and using his time more efficiently than before. Our ideal situation would be to have agencies harnessing the power of automated recruitment, so that absolutely anybody can follow them, but they would be automatically screened and rated to ensure that the agencies have an abundance of only the best talent.

As you probably can imagine, we are not planning on limiting ourselves to events. Our ultimate goal is to bring a cost effective, easy to use, modular on-demand tool to every staffing agency in the world, from construction to nursing, teaching to office temps. Our aim is to make the agencies that service those sectors STRONGER.

*Rozmowa odbędzie się w naszym biurze : Kraków, Ul. Krupnicza 3/8 (ostatnie piętro kamienicy, Szyld : Another Friend)
Dzień : do uzgodnienia
Godzina: do uzgodnienia
Jesteśmy do Waszej dyspozycji od poniedzialku do piatku od 9:00 do 17:00

CV w języku angielskim pod adres : amp@gettechforce.com

Tel: 882978992

Skype: webspirit007

Dziękuje za Wasz czas.


Anna Maria Pociask