poszukujemy backendowego Rubysty, który mógłby się podjąć pracy w Berlinie od zaraz. Jesteśmy Polską firmą rekrutacyjną działającą w Berlinie. Rekrutujemy dla takich firm jak KAYAK, Nokia HERE, GameLoft i innych.
Język firmy to angielski (jak połowa Berlina), toteż szczegóły w tym języku:
You are called to help our team deliver robust and high quality features to directly improve our customers’ satisfaction. We, like you, are a creative, hands-on, innovative problem solvers and like you, are fun to work with.
We ask you to:
- Independently develop and implement new features appearing on 45 domains worldwide and used by hundreds of thousands of users
- Help improve and develop new code within this agile and fast paced work environment
- Maintain the existing codebase
- Become part of a dynamic team of first class developers while at the same time individually contributing to your part of the platform
We expect you to:
- be a fervent Ruby developer,
- have gained hands-on experience working in one or more Rails Projects for at least 4 years,
- have strong experience with TDD, ideally RSpec and preferably, experience with breaking a Rails monolith apart into smaller services (SOA / microservices),
- be open, communicative and enjoy working as part of a team
- experience working in an open source project is very welcome
Our tech stack:
- main application written in Ruby on Rails, some services in Sinatra
- MySQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, Memcache, Resque, SidekickREST APIs, JSON
- frontend stack: Haml, Sass/Compass, CoffeeScript, RequireJS, Backbone, Jasmine
- heavy focus on automated testing and TDD (RSpec, Capybara)
- deployment with Capistrano, server provisioning with Chef
- moving towards SOA / microservice architecture
And this is the offer:
Competitive salary for permanent employment, above 50€/h for freelance.
How much above, depending, naturally, on our perception of your skills and fit. For contract work the duration is to be discussed and is estimated between 3 and 12 monts.
Work in a friendly and supportive environment with a high performance culture and many learning opportunities. Based in Berlin, you will be a part of the development and engineering team in spacious and welcoming office with an undisturbed view of Alexander tower. The company is a mature start-up, organizing monthly events, with a chilled-out work environment and mandatory fresh drinks and fruits. Choose your OS freely, while working with up to date equipment. Besides work (and parties) we offer sports activities, such as beach volleyball, dodge ball, football and running.
If you are interested please send your CV and links to code samples to SRoRB@workita.com. Same adress works if you have any initial questions. We do reply to everybody.