Rails Monolith Modularisation with CQRS

Knowledge is power! Check out what we’ve learned when modularising our Ruby application and how tools like CQRS help us.
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Thanks a lot for this Monolith modularisation. Basically, I needed this thing for quite a long but was unable to find it. For sometimes I really got a huge interest in ruby on rails. Recently I found an article and got some knowledge from that so I am sharing some related to this topic -
Ruby on Rails and its supporting gems built by the community form a fantastic environment for bringing ideas to life. It provides developers with a market advantage by allowing them to build new products at an extremely high pace. However, over time, with application and team growth, the velocity decreases.

It’s caused by Rails apps’ centralized structure. Adding new features to the application directly increases the complexity of the overall development, thus slowing everything down. Basically most important thing related to modularisation is the best ERP software in Kolkata The solution for this problem is modularization: dividing a big application into smaller units.

This article describes the methodology of breaking down Rails applications into smaller, more manageable modules supported by the CQRS (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern.

Centralized app structure - great for small apps

Applications built with Rails are very similar in terms of their physical directory structure. You can expect to see models in app/models and custom rake tasks in lib/tasks, DB schema in db/schema.rb, etc. So is this topic is fruitful to follow this article or not? Please check once nad let me know. Thanks in advance.