[u2i, Kraków] Senior Developer to join our team

Hey! We’re looking for Senior Developers to join our team at u2i.

u2i is a technology consulting company focused on web development. We value experience that doesn’t need to be limited to a single programming language, so our definition of senior doesn’t fit into a simple list of requirements.

We’ll tell you a bit who we are so you can see if that’s something interesting for you.
We are bunch of people who like solving problems. Consultants focused on direct and constant collaboration, helping the clients to think about technology and navigate the paths of building products. We believe in teamwork and technical excellence, but we are not afraid to get our hands dirty when we inherit technical debt. We are really into personal development and we treat our company as a great enterprise and not just as a place to work.

This is only a preview of our story. If you think of yourself as a senior person and would like to join u2i reach out to us at hello@u2i.com. We would love to meet you!

Don’t want to meet before applying but you still want to apply for a senior position? Feel free to complete the form on our website and we’ll get back to you.

Not a senior? Check out our Junior and Mid offers.

Some facts you might find relevant:
Salary: You are the one who know your value the most so we’re not setting any caps. Were open to your offer and the type of contract you prefer.
Bonus: We share company profits between ourselves.
Location: We are based in Kraków at Przemysłowa 12A
Work hours: Most of us start between 8 and 11am. All of us (currently 50 people) work for the same office.
Self-development: 10% of your time (4 hours/week) you can dedicate to self-development. You get a conference budget, fully equipped library and a support of any learning initiative you want to take part in.
Business trips: We work with clients from the US (mostly East Coast) and we really encourage face-to-face meetings with them.
Making life easier: We have lunches and breakfasts in the office everyday. When you work on job contract you also get Multisport card and healthcare.

Not a senior? Check out our Junior and Mid offers!

Union Square Internet Development Sp. z o.o.
ul. Przemysłowa 12A/200
30-701 Kraków

@gotar Co to za jakieś faworyzowanie przez przypinanie ogłoszeń? :wink:

Ogłoszenie nie spełnia warunków z: Jak poprawnie dodać ogłoszenie?

Oferty zawierające precyzyjne informacje o zarobkach (stawki godzinowe bądź miesięczne/roczne widełki cenowe zarobków) będę premiowane w postaci przypięcia oferty. Zagwarantuje to wyświetlanie się oferty na górze strony przez 2 miesiące od jej ukazania się.

cześć @new_one - Dzięki za wiadomość! Rozumiem o co chodzi, ale widełki tej oferty są otwarte, a nie ukryte. Ma to sens? Nasze ogłoszenia dla Juniora i Mid mają widełki. Ciężko zawężać widełki dla seniorów :frowning: @gotar jeżeli mam dodać coś bardziej precyzyjnego to jak najbardziej dopracujemy!

Zawsze jest jakiś sufit, wątpie że jesteście skłonni dać seniorowi 100k gdyby chciał, lub gdybyście znaleźli jakiegoś wymiatacza.

Widełki nie są konieczne. Nie ma obowiązku ich podawania. Jeśli ogłoszenie ma wszystkie dane i dokładny opis, tak by od razu wiedziec czy jest sie nim zainteresowany czy nie,ale racja powinny pojawic sie chociaz dolne, by bylo wiadomo na ile “powazna” jest to oferta. Prosze dodac, ale zostanie odpiete