[Warszawa] Spree Ruby on Rails Developer

SparkSolutions (http://sparksolutions.co) poszukuje programisty na stanowisko Senior Spree Ruby on Rails Developer

minimum 12mc pracy w Ruby on Rails, znajomość Rails 4 lub 3
podstawy linuksa
mile widziany udział w projektach open source

Forma zatrudnienia:

  • Fakura VAT
  • umowa zlecenie

Jeśli chcesz pracować w zespole realizującym ambitne wyzwania z ludźmi znanymi w branży e-commerce z ciekawych wdrożeń - czekamy na Twoje CV lub po prostu podeślij nam link do swojego konta na GitHub-ie

Kontakt: http://sparksolutions.co

O nas:

Responsive Web Design

We really like Bootstrap - the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. We also use Sass (CSS extension with superpowers) and CoffeeScript.

Apps for heavy loads

You like to sleep well and so do we. Our apps are optimized for heavy-loads - Memcached and file-cached. We use Amazon S3 and other cloud hosting solutions when neccessary. Our apps do the heavy lifting.

Big Data Ready

We use MySQL database solutions. Redis - an open source, advanced key-value store. Resque - a queueing system that is backed by Redis. SOLR - highly scalable search engine. We stack them together and architect optimal solutions.

Tested and bulletproofed

For testing we use RSpec - a testing tool for the Ruby programming language. Born under the banner of Behaviour-Driven Development, it is designed to make Test-Driven Development a productive and enjoyable experience.

We like Git and use Assembla

For project and code management we use Assembla which combines tasks, code and collaboration to unify teams online. Assembla mission is “Build Software Faster with Less Stress”. And so is ours.

Cloud powered

If needed we power our solution with a modular, scalable, distributed server environment providing higher availability and security then a single physical server. We also provide 24/7 tech support in coop with our infrastructure partners.